01332 701212   admin@sheltonj.derby.sch.uk

Shelton Junior School

Together, we learn, trust & succeed.

Spring-ing into Action at Shelton

By: Amelka, Ethan, Saffira and Olek

At Shelton we love our wildlife and we are so looking forward to spring. Children are very happy to be able to get back on our wonderful outside areas – the play area, our flower-filled picnic area and our large field. Lots of children are eager to sign up for an after school club, now that it is not so cold anymore – suitable for outdoor games such as football, making daisy chains, running races and make-believe adventures. In addition, we have new props that are super, including: beach-related items such as stuffed fish, a stuffed seagull, new sun hats and cardboard boxes that we can use to build a reading den.

Our roving reporters teamed up with eco club to plant saplings in the play area. To add onto that, Shelton have been trusted with a massive responsibility of taking care of ten eggs which will one day become spring chickens! Each class has their own egg, that will be able to thrive together once the eggs have hatched.

Spring means that Easter is on its way. The children are not only excited about the real eggs but also hoping to win the scrumptious chocolate egg that are mounting up in the school office. Make sure to buy your tickets!