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Shelton Junior School

Together, we learn, trust & succeed.

Eco Club Planting Spree

By: Amelka, Ethan, Saffira and Olek

Our roving reporters Olek, Ethan, Amelka & Saffira teamed up with Eco Club to plant some trees this week. At Shelton, we love our local environment and we are lucky to have lots of space to run around, play games, explore and keep fit. We planted little saplings along the fence that will one day grow into big trees.

As it had been raining a lot recently, consequently the trees’ thirst will be quenched and this will help them to start growing.  However, it was lucky that most of us had wellies and outdoor shoes because it was very muddy!

We had one of our tree planning experts who knew what to do and guided us through our experience.  We dug small holes just big enough for each sapling to fit into.  Then we planted each tree and put a plastic tube around it so it would be protected from small animals and the weather.

In conclusion, our school will have multiple new trees to help and support nature and will make a lovely orchard for future children to enjoy.  Maybe future generations will sit in the shade of the new trees, play together and maybe even enjoy a picnic!