Welcome to the PTA section
We are a team of hard working parents and school staff who hold regular fundraising events to raise money for our school.
Our recent ‘Christmas Fair’ was a huge success and raised £775. Thank you to everyone who supported the event through helping with the organisation of the event, running the stalls, donating prizes and attending our fair. Your support is appreciated.
Latest Fundraiser
During the last week of term we raised £120 through the sale of our ever popular school biscuits and some additional sweet cones.
Our summer term ‘Bingo Night‘ raised £136. Thank you to all the parents who came and supported this event.
Our ‘Biscuit Sale’ held during the schools Sports Day. This was very popular and thanks to parents generosity we raised £122.
Our ‘Easter Fair’ was a huge success and raised £632. Thank you for your support in attending the event and helping to raise this money. Also a huge well done to all of the raffle prize winners.
All prize winners have been informed and prizes have been given out.
The money raised by Shelton J PTA has supported the school in a number of ways:
A new selection of toys and games for our ‘Wet Play’ boxes that the children can use during lunchtimes
A whole school ‘Animal Handing’ experience.
Resources for the children to use during ‘Art Week’
Gazebos and parasols to use on the school field.
To be confirmed
If you are interested in helping with the PTA – coming up with fundraising ideas, helping prepare for events and/or helping on the day of the events but cannot make the next meeting please let Mrs Dunkley know so we can keep you up-to-date with the Shelton J PTA activities. New members are always welcome.
To be confirmed