Absence Reporting
Reporting an Absence
We kindly ask that ALL pupil absences must be reported for EACH DAY by a parent/carer and by 9:00am using one of the following methods:
Telephone: 01332 701 212 (24-hour answerphone)
Email: admin@sheltonj.derby.sch.uk
This allows all details to be correct and up to date and to ensure that your child is not assumed missing.
Please Note: that if we have not heard from parents regarding an absence that continues into a second day, this poses a safeguarding risk as we cannot account for the safety of a child. We may ask our EWO (Educational Welfare Officer) to do a home visit or take other action.
If a pupil needs to leave school during the day for an appointment etc. a medical appointment card/letter or note should be given to the class teacher or main office, preferably no later than the previous day.
We can only allow a pupil to be taken out of school for an emergency appointment by a named contact that we currently hold on our records. In an emergency where a third party is asked to collect a pupil, we need to be able to verify the identity and authority of this person by contacting you directly. We are not able to simply accept the word of a person not on our records. We advise that arrangements are made in advance by the parent/carer with the school.
We should be able to get in touch with you at any point in the school day, either by your personal phone number or your work number. For this reason, please ensure all contact details and contact numbers are correct and updated regularly
We are delighted to report that a majority of children arrive at school on time, however there are still a small number of children who arrive persistently late for school.
The school doors open at 8:35am for all children, this allows children to arrive in good time for the start of the day. The bell will ring at 8:50am for children to line up and start their day. If you arrive late it is your responsibility to bring your child to school and sign the late book in the school office giving a reason for being late
If your child is late regularly, we will invite you to a meeting to discuss how we can support you to get your child to school on time. It is embarrassing for a child to come into the classroom once the lesson has started and is disruptive for other children who are already working.
Shelton Junior School work in partnership with the Educational Welfare Officer to support parents and children in arriving on time for school and persistent lateness (more than 10 lates) will be referred to their service.