01332 701212   admin@sheltonj.derby.sch.uk

Shelton Junior School

Together, we learn, trust & succeed.

Aims, Ethos & Values

Our Mission

To create a school where every child can reach their full potential so that they are ready for the next step in their education.

Together, we learn, trust and succeed.

Learn … reaching your full potential – curiosity, concentration
Trust … caring staff to support every child in school – collaboration
Succeed … overcoming barriers to succeed – resilience, reflectiveness

We make these promises:

  • We will always consider our children as our first priority.  They are why we are here.
  • We will always have high expectations of the children and each other.  By doing so, we are investing in the future of our community.
  • We will teach skills and knowledge that our children need.  Their success is our success.
  • We will all work hard, show resilience and enjoy our time at Shelton.  This is how children and adults will be successful.
  • We will recruit and retain the best quality staffThis will ensure that our children get the very best education possible.
  • We will be open and transparent in everything we do, in order to build strong parent and school partnerships.  Together we can constantly improve.
  • We will always remember that all children are important.  Everyone should always be included in all we do.
  • We will keep our children safe at all times and develop their ability to be responsible for their personal safety and wellbeing.  Everyone will keep themselves safe and well.

Our Strategy

We aim to educate and nurture the whole child: we provide opportunities for them to discover and develop their unique talents and abilities in a variety of areas including emotional, spiritual, academic, cultural, moral, linguistic, creative and physical.

We create a culture of achievement within a vibrant and stimulating learning environment, ensuring positive reinforcement at all levels of ability. Our positive behaviour policy supports our goal to be active and inspiring learners.  We promote the Shelton Superpowers:

  • Concentrationwe manage distractions, enjoy getting ‘lost’ in our learning and use metacognitive strategies to help us become the best learners we can be.
  • Curiositywe ask questions, make connections and enjoy challenging ourselves.
  • Collaboration we listen to and respect the opinions of others, make valuable contributions and enjoy helping others.
  • Resiliencewe persevere when our learning gets difficult; we are not afraid to ask for help, and get excited about trying something new. We don’t give up!
  • Reflectionwe celebrate our successes, learn from our mistakes and compete with ourselves, not others.

Each power is represented by a character and we use these to help to develop the children’s understanding of these important learning skills and attributes – can you work out who’s who?!

In addition, we build strong individuals through promoting and expecting:

  • Independence
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Tolerance and empathy
  • Confidence
  • Honesty

Our long term goals

  • Create a curriculum that develops our children’s independence, respect, creativity, personal responsibility, self-esteem, empathy and resilience.
  • Identify and share our skills with each other effectively. 
  • Create a team with a broad and rich level of skill and experience who are ready to lead and inspire.
  • Work more closely with our parents, families and wider community.
  • Develop our outside learning and play spaces.
  • Improve our use of computing technology through the provision of equipment and training.
  • Work more closely with other schools.
  • Children share their learning, skills and knowledge so that they have an impact on their community.