01332 701212   admin@sheltonj.derby.sch.uk

Shelton Junior School

Together, we learn, trust & succeed.


Helping to keep your child safe

At Shelton Junior School, we are committed to keeping our pupils and staff safe and well both physically and mentally. We will do everything we can to ensure our children and our community is safeguarded and protected form harm.

We have well established safeguarding policies and procedures in place and we actively promote the welfare of our staff, students and visitors on-site and in the wider community.

Getting Help

There are many ways that the children are taught to keep safe in the real as well as the real world by parents as well as the school staff. Sometimes events occur and you are not sure what to do and so contacting a member of staff can be reassuring. There are three main members of staff who are responsible for safeguarding at Shelton Junior School are referred to as the Designated Safeguarding Leads.

If you have any concerns, please call into school or email at any time and it will be answered as soon as possible. All communication will be treated with sensitivity and discretion.

Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Mrs Vicky Dunkley, Safeguarding and Pastoral Lead
Email: VDunkley@sheltonj.derby.sch.uk Contact Number: 01332 701 212 / 07458 079 590

Mr Jon Bacon, Headteacher
Email: head@sheltonj.derby.sch.uk Contact Number: 01332 701 212

Mrs Hettie Culling, Assistant Headteacher & SENDCo
Email: hculling@sheltonj.derby.sch.uk Contact Number: 01332 701 212

Karen Phillips, Safeguarding Governor
Email: kphillips@sheltonj.derby.sch.uk Contact Number: 01332 701 212

Police in Derby

Shelton Junior School work very closely with the local safer neighbourhood team. Our local PCSO regularly comes into school to meet with the Safeguarding team, as well as to work with the children.

If you believe that a child is at immediate risk and in need of protection then you should call the police – 999 immediately.

Alternatively, if you want advice from the police and the child is not in immediate need of protection you can call the Police on the telephone number 101

Children’s Social Care and the First Contact Team

You may want to discuss your concerns with a Social Care Worker. The First Contact team deals with all concerns about Children and Young People across the City. Members of the team will help you to talk about the concerns you may have for a child and decide what actions may be required to make a child safe.

The First Contact Team can be contacted on 01332 641 172 between 9am-5pm. At all other times concerns can be discussed with Care line who can be contacted on 01332 786 968

Please do not keep your worries to yourself

If you have concerns that a child is being harmed or living in circumstances that might be harmful in the future, these concerns will always be taken seriously.

You may be worried about what might happen to you or your family if you report your concerns. When someone makes a call to talk about their concerns, they will always be asked for their name and contact details- so they can be contacted again if needed. However, you can ask for your details to remain confidential, or provide information anonymous.

Further Help and Support

We have included a number of links to websites that you may find useful:

Government Safeguarding Page – Stay up to date and keep your child safe in today’s digital world.

Childine – Support and advice for adults and children

NSPCC – Resources for protecting children

Road Safety – Keeping children safe on the roads

Mental Wellbeing – Advice for parents with eating disorders, self-harm, anxiety and addicition

Bullying – Information about bullying for parents and carers

Educate Against Hate – Help with issues around extremism and radicalisation


Children gain a great deal of fun from playing on the various gadgets and tablets but it is important to ensure you have the correct settings on devices and that games are age appropriate. This will help prevent any unwelcome communication with your child.

E-Safety- Net Aware – Stay up to date and keep your child safe in today’s digital world

CEOP – National Crime Agency – Child Exploitation and Online Protection

E- Safety – Think You Know – CEOP E-Safety age related advice for adults and children

UK Safer Internet