01332 701212   admin@sheltonj.derby.sch.uk

Shelton Junior School

Together, we learn, trust & succeed.


Shelton Curriculum Overview

What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.

Curriculum Coverage Map

Our School Curriculum is based on the 2014 Primary Curriculum documents, which can be found here:


To support our curriculum, we assess without levels for year 3, 4, 5 & 6. We have worked very hard to create and use an assessment system that will work best to support teaching and learning at Shelton- offering your children the opportunities to consolidate prior learning, acquire many new skills, embed and master the skills they have learnt.

Assessment reform:

“As part of our reforms to the National Curriculum, the current system of ‘levels’ used to report children’s attainment and progress will be removed from September 2014 and will not be replaced. By removing levels we will allow teachers greater flexibility in the way that they plan and assess pupils’ learning.” (Department for Education, 2014)