Financial Information
Financial Information
Our school’s financial management is subject to various checks and balances to ensure we are providing good value for money for our pupils whilst maintaining a financially sustainable and responsible school.
Our school budget is set from our allocated yearly funding from the Department for Education ( DfE) via Derby City Local Authority.
Our budget is set to cover all aspects relating to the running of the school premises, including staffing, maintenance and curriculum. The budget is monitored and agreed by the Governing Body with certain financial delegation being normal operating amounts managed by the Headteacher and School Business Manager. Larger expenditure is overseen by Governors subject to strict guidance.
We have attained the SFVS (School Financial Value Standard) for our work within this area.
Financial Declaration
There are no employees working at Shelton Junior School earning in excess of £100,000 per annum.
We keep a close watch on our financial performance and use benchmarking tools to ensure our financial performance is healthy.
More information can be found on our schools financial benchmarking page.